October 18, 2024

The Pioneers

The church was organized in 1961 when, Mother Aplis Dixon became concerned about her soul.

Mother Aplis Ray Dixon – “Founder and Prayer Warrior” – 12/27/1986

God has worked so greatly through her life. From one little seed of faith planted, a great tree has grown with plenty of beautiful, healthy fruit being continuously produced. Testimonial Song: “Is The Lord Satisfied With Me”.

Missionary Bernice Ray – “Prayer Warrior” – 12/11/1985

Indeed her prayers and healing ministry made an impact in strengthening the Church. Because of the prayer band, many persons have been touched and healed. Testimonies Song, “A Highway To Heaven”

Missionary Aggie Cook – “The Booster Stick” – 06/05/1988

She was known as the booster stick because of her take charge ability. She made a significant difference in church programs and rallies. She always reminded us that the more you give God, the more he’ll give back to you. Testimonial Song: “I Love Jesus”

Deacon Willie Ray – “The Goldmine” – 07/08/1990

He was known as the goldmine because God had bestowed him with much wisdom and knowledge to expound on the scriptures. He helped us tremendously in growing in the way of The Lord. Testimonial Song: “Jesus, I’ll Never Forget”

Sister Mary Goldwire – “A Soldier” – 10/05/1990

She was faithful in attending the services. She had a zeal to praise God. During her time of illness, she continued to endure as a good soldier. She inspired many. In Fact, she received her diploma from Ft. Lauderdale College while hospitalized.

Bishop E. L. Sheppard – “The Pastor With A Vision” – 12/11/1998

He had the courage to give God a chance to use him in the St. John Community. That chance led to the development of our church. He has been a pastor with a vision to see the church grow from service in an abandoned juke joint to the edifice we now worship in. His vision for the Church was the saints would live holy and blameless before the Lord.

Missionary Florence Bradwell – “A Laborer” – 01/24/2006

She was instrumental in our pioneer era. At the close of the revival, at the Rocket 88, there were many seeking the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. These seekers were placed under the auspices of Missionary Bradwell. She was not weary in well doing.

Mother Fannie Ray – “A Quiet Worker” – 05/13/2008

She was a strong force behind the Church Organization. She worked diligently and faithfully in every phase of the Church. She remembered the small, yet important things in maintaining the Church. She was an encourager to young married couples. Mother Ray did it all. She was the plumber, the janitor, the carpenter, the disciplinarian, friend to the pastor, deacon’s helper, reminder, bill payer, spiritual counselor, prayer warrior.

Missionary Floria Chavers Sheppard – “The Backbone”

The backbone-A main support or major sustaining factor. Mother Sheppard’s strength and ability to help support the Church through inspiration, encouragement and reassurance has earned her the title “Backbone”. She guides along many who cross her path, leaving a lasting impression.

Sister Lounette Shaw – “The Supporter”

She is a great supporter of Missionary Cook’s church programs and rallies and has always supported the church financially. She serves as President of the Usher Board.