March 12, 2025


To provide an atmosphere where the Holy Ghost can move unrestricted in deliverance, salvation, healing, miracles & empowerment. To see the sick healed, the bound delivered, the captive free.

Through teaching and preaching ministries build men, women and families in the ways of God and the understanding of the work of Jesus Christ in their lives.

Through fasting and praying disciplines develop a people that love the Word of God and really enjoy His presence.

Initiate programs that will minister to and develop a strong group of Holy Ghost filled young people on fire and in love with God.

Encourage educational development and provide aid in reading, writing , arithmetic and other areas.

Ministering to the physical needs of the community, including food an clothing ministries.

Develop ministries that believe in going beyond the church walls and ministering on streets, in Nursing Homes, in jails, etc. Provide mentoring to those in need.

Build a facility that will be to the honor and glorification of God, that will provide sanctuary for the move of the Holy Spirit and demonstration of the love and power of God.